EcoForte Consolidator

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EcoForte Consolidator is a weather resistant, permeable/ breathable, sealer required for all virgin portland cement masonry surfaces as well as virgin drywall/ gypsum board that have never been painted. Product is also ideal as a uniforming/ penetrating sealer for porous materials, such as low-fired brick, portland cement block, poured cement walls, and chalking surfaces. It provides excellent anchoring power on smooth and rough surfaces. Product has a medium pH and serves as a layer to uniform absorption on porous surfaces, increasing the adherence and absorption of primers and paints. EcoForte Consolidator is based on a zero odor, micro particle emulsion water based formula, permitting deep penetration into porous surfaces. EcoForte Consolidator is category ECO which means Eco-Sustainable containing at least 75% natural raw materials, and the other 25% inert binders and non-toxic chemicals.

1 Identification of the Substance/Mixture & 0f the Company/Undertaking

1.1 Product Identifier

Code: None
Product Name: EcoForte Consolidator

1.2 Relevant Identified Uses of the Substance or Mixture & Uses Advised Against

Intended Use: Micronized and odorless fixative for Exterior.

1.3 Details of the Supplier of the Safety Data Sheet

  • Name: ROMABIO – Eco-Sustainable Building Technologies
  • Full Address: 554 North Avenue NW, Suite B
  • District & Country Atlanta, GA 30318 | United States of America (USA)
  • 678-905-3700

1.4 Emergency Telephone Number

For Urgent Inquiries Refer To: Call 911 if you have a poison emergency.
Call the CDC if swallowed but person is alert 1-800-222-122

2 Hazards Identification

2.1 Classification of the Substance or Mixture

 The product is not classified as hazardous pursuant to the provisions set forth in Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and/or EC

Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and supplements)


2.2 Label Elements

 This product is not subject to hazard labeling pursuant to Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and subsequent amendments and supplements.


2.3 Other Hazards

Information not available.

3 Composition/Information on Ingredients

3.1 Substances

Information not relevant.

3.2 Mixtures

 The product does not contain substances classified as being hazardous to human health or the environment pursuant to the provisions set forth in Directives 67/548/EEC and/or EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and supplements).

First Aid Measures

4.1 Description of First Aid Measures

  • EYES & SKIN: Wash with plenty of water; if the irritation persists, seek medical advice.
  • INHALATION: Remove to open air. If respiration is difficult, administer artificial respiration and seek medical advice.
  • INGESTION: Seek medical attention. Induce vomiting only if indicated by the doctor. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

4.2 Most Important Symptoms & Effects, Both Acute & Delayed

No episodes of damage to health ascribable to the product have been reported.

4.3 Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention & Special Treatment Needed

Follow doctor’s orders.

5 Firefighting Measures

5.1 Extinguishing Media

The extinction equipment should be of the conventional kind: Carbon Dioxide, Foam, Powder and Nebulized Water.

None in particular.

5.2 Special Hazards Arising From the Substance or Mixture

Do not breathe combustion products (carbon oxide, toxic pyrolysis products, etc.).

5.3 Advice for Firefighters


Use jets of water to cool the containers to prevent product decomposition and the development of substances potentially hazardous for health. Always wear full fire prevention gear. Collect extinguishing water to prevent it from draining into the sewer system. Dispose of contaminated water used for extinction and the remains of the fire according to applicable regulations.


Hardhat with visor, fireproof clothing (fireproof jacket and trousers with straps around arms, legs and waist), work gloves (fireproof, cut proof and antistatic), a depressurized mask with facemask covering the whole of the operator’s face or a self-respirator (self-protector) in the event of large quantities of fume.

6 Accidental Release Measures

6.1 Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment & Emergency Procedures

If there are no contraindications, spray powder with water to prevent the formation of dust. Use breathing equipment if powders are released into the air. These indications apply for both processing staff and those involved in emergency procedures.

6.2 Environmental Precautions

The product must not penetrate the sewers, surface water, ground water and neighboring areas.

6.3 Methods & Material for Containment & Cleaning Up

Use mechanical tools to collect leaked product and eliminate the remainder using jets of water. Make sure the leakage site is well aired. Contaminated material should be disposed of in compliance with the provisions set forth in point 13.

6.4 Reference to Other Sections

Any information on personal protection and disposal is given in sections 8 and 13.

7 Handling & Storage

7.1 Precautions for Safe Handling

Store in closed, labeled containers.

7.2 Conditions for Safe Storage, Including Any Incompatibilities

Store in a well-ventilated place; keep far away from sources of heat, bright flames and sparks and other sources of ignition.

7.3 Specific End Use(s)

Information not available.

8 Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

8.1 Control Parameters

Name Type Country TWA/8h STEL/15min
mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ppm
OEL  IRL 0.8

8.2 Exposure Controls

None required.

None required.

None required.

None required.

9 Physical & Chemical Properties

9.1 Information on Basic Physical & Chemical Properties

Appearance Liquid
Color Transparent
Odor Characteristic
Odor Threshold
pH 7
Melting or Freezing Point
Boiling Point
Distillation Range
Flash Point 0°C
Evaporation Rate
Flammability of Solids & Gases
Lower Inflammability Limit
Upper Explosive Limit
Lower Explosive Limit
Vapor Pressure
Vapor Density
Specific Gravity 1.000 Kg/lt
Solubility Water
Solvent Separation Test
Solid Content
Partition Coefficient: Octanol/Water
Ignition Temperature
Decomposition Temperature
Viscosity 1.1000 mPa.s
Reactive Properties

9.2 Other information

VOC (Directive 2004/42/EC) 6.00 g/lt

Matt coatings for interior walls and ceilings. EU limit value for this product.
(cat. A/a): 50 g/lt (2007) / 30 g/lt (2010).

10 Stability & Reactivity

10.1 Reactivity

There are no particular risks of reaction with other substances in normal conditions of use.

10.2 Chemical Stability

The product is stable in normal conditions of use and storage.

10.3 Possibility of Hazardous Reactions

No hazardous reactions are foreseeable in normal conditions of use and storage.

10.4 Conditions to Avoid

None in particular, however the usual precautions used for chemical products should be respected.

10.5 Incompatible Materials

Information not available.

10.6 Hazardous Decomposition Products

In the event of thermal decomposition or fire, vapors potentially dangerous to health may be released.

11 Toxicological Information

11.1 Information on Toxicological Effects

According to currently available data, this product has not yet produced health damages. Anyway, it must be handled carefully according to good industrial practices. This product may have slight health effects on sensitive people, by inhalation and/or cutaneous absorption and/or contact with eyes and/or ingestion.

12 Ecological Information

 Use this product according to good working practices. Avoid littering. Inform the competent authorities, should the product reach waterways or sewers or contaminate soil or vegetation.

13 Disposal considerations

13.1 Waste Treatment Methods

Reuse, when possible. Product residues should be considered special hazardous waste. The hazard level of waste containing this product should be evaluated according to applicable regulations.

Disposal must be performed through an authorized waste management firm, in compliance with national and local regulations.

Contaminated packaging must be recovered or disposed of in compliance with national waste management regulations.

14 Transport Information

The product is not dangerous under current provisions of the Code of International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and by Rail (RID), of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), and of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations.

15 Regulatory Information

15.1 Safety, Health & Environmental Regulations/Legislation Specific for the Substance or Mixture





Workers exposed to this chemical agent must not undergo health checks, provided that available risk-assessment data prove that the risks related to the workers’ health and safety are modest and that the 98/24/EC directive is respected.

15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment

No chemical safety assessment has been processed for the mixture and the substances it contains.

16 Other Information


  1. Directive 1999/45/EC and following amendments
  2. Directive 67/548/EEC and following amendments and adjustments
  3. Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH) of the European Parliament
  4. Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) of the European Parliament
  5. Regulation (EC) 790/2009 (I Atp. CLP) of the European Parliament
  6. Regulation (EC) 453/2010 of the European Parliament
  7. The Merck Index. – 10th Edition
  8. Handling Chemical Safety
  9. Niosh – Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
  10. INRS – Fiche Toxicology (toxicological sheet)
  11. Patty – Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
  12. N.I. Sax – Dangerous properties of Industrial Materials-7, 1989 Edition


 The information contained in the present sheet are based on our own knowledge on the date of the last version. Users must verify the suitability and thoroughness of provided information according to each specific use of the product.

This document must not be regarded as a guarantee on any specific product property.

The use of this product is not subject to our direct control; therefore, users must, under their own responsibility, comply with the current health and safety laws and regulations. The producer is relieved from any liability arising from improper uses.


EcoForte Consolidator is an excellent interior/exterior high penetration consolidator and isolating primer, increasing adhesion as well as providing uniform absorption on porous surfaces such as virgin stucco and drywall. It is designed to penetrate deeply into porous surfaces creating a uniform absorbent surface that is ideal for applications of mineral paints and plasters. Uneven porous surfaces can cause premature drying of the mineral paints and plasters in some areas thus resulting in discoloration and sheen. EcoForte Consolidator works as a fixative or bonding agent because it equalizes absorption allowing binder content naturally found in mineral paints and plasters to remain consistent in concentration during curing. As an isolator EcoForte Consolidator can help prevent reactions from calcium hydroxide and salt nitrates present in portland cement, as well as reducing efflorescence effects that can occur on finished exterior stucco finishes. Product can be applied to any type of porous material such as concrete block, reinforced concrete, portland stucco, MGO board, drywall, chalky paints, all types of plasters, and lime paints. EcoForte Consolidator is a required primer/sealer before application of any type of potassium silicate paint or slaked lime paint and plaster on virgin portland cement masonry surfaces.


EcoForte Consolidator is a weather resistant, permeable/ breathable, sealer required for all virgin portland cement masonry surfaces as well as virgin drywall/ gypsum board that have never been painted. Product is also ideal for deteriorated or low-fired brick, portland cement block, poured cement walls, or any chalking surfaces. It provides excellent anchoring power for smooth and rough surfaces. Product has a medium pH and serves as a barrier to prohibit degradation of primer paints such as BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium, and slaked lime products when applied to portland concrete surfaces EcoForte Consolidator is based on a zero odor, micro particle emulsion water based formula, permitting deep penetration into porous surfaces. EcoForte Consolidator is an Eco-sustainable product as described in the Eco Category description.


Consolidator and binder assist with organic stabilizers.




Transparent Base. Product can be tinted slightly to indicate coverage areas painted.



1ST COAT: Dilute EcoForte Consolidator with 100% water, or 10 liters of water per one (1) 10 liter bucket.

INTERIOR DRYWALL: Apply one (1) coat of EcoForte Consolidator to properly prepared and reasonably dust free surface, applying a uniform coverage on all surfaces. SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR APPLICATION CYCLES.

NEW CEMENT STUCCO: Apply one (1) coat of EcoForte Consolidator to properly cured cement base, applying a uniform coverage on all surfaces. SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR APPLICATION CYCLES.

CHALKY SURFACES: Pressure wash all chalky surfaces thoroughly, and allow surface to be completely dry before applying EcoForte Consolidator. Apply one (1) coat of EcoForte Consolidator carefully applying an even and uniform application. SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR APPLICATION CYCLES.

COASTAL AREAS: For new or old surface areas with exposed risk to salt penetration such as coastal areas, it is required to neutralize the salt content in the surface finish. It is recommended to apply white vinegar or diluted muriatic acid immediately after an initial pressure washing (while wall surface areas are still damp), allowing the acid or vinegar to penetrate for at least 3 – 5 minutes, then thoroughly re-wash all treated areas with clean water. Allow surfaces to completely dry. Apply EcoForte Consolidator directly onto dried surface with a brush, roller or sprayer, carefully covering all surfaces. Allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before applying BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium.

2ND COAT: For virgin drywall where tape joints or screw holes have been patched with drywall plaster or mud, apply a second coat on these surfaces, wet on damp, or within two (2) hours of first application of EcoForte Consolidator on all non-paper surfaces. A second coat is not required on most surfaces unless an unsatisfactory 1st coat application was not performed correctly. Spot paint as necessary to cover any missed sections. Allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before applying BioGrip

CAUTION: Avoid excessive coverage and waste of product by over priming or under diluting EcoForte Consolidator. Product should not create a sheen on surfaces when dried. This product is extremely effective as long as a solid and even coverage has been applied. Do not continue to over saturate surfaces with excessive quantities of product.

SPRAY TIP USAGE: BioCalce A may be applied using an airless sprayer. Apply paint product with a # 0.019 – 0.021 mm size spray tip. Always use new spray tips for starting a paint job for best results. This will also conserve the amount of paint necessary to complete the job.

GRAIN SIZE: 0.0 mm


Most of our paint formulas are concentrated and require water to be added to them for proper use. This process means we can offer more coverage in an economical package that decreases your cost for transport and carbon footprint, helping the your pocket book and the environment. Mix consolidator and water with an electric drill and paint paddle, or mix well by hand!


Apply with brush, roller or with the appropriate sprayer and sprayer tip. New sprayer tips should be used to prevent product waste and provided for a more even finish.


Allow a drying time of 8 – 12 hours before proceeding with BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium, BioCalce Classico or BioCalce A, BioDomus I & II, TerraMare Grip, TerraMare I or TerraMare Quarzit. With lower temperature and humidity, more time may be needed. Do not apply EcoForte Consolidator on the exterior if there is a risk of thunderstorms or showers during the 8 hour drying time needed for product to dry correctly.


Approximately 1,000 ft2 / 93 mt2 to 2,000 ft2 / 186 mt2 per 10 liter bucket. Determine exact consumption by performing a test on the surface to be treated.


Plastic buckets of 1 and 10 liters.


Make sure base is solid, dry and well cleaned, prepared with skill. It is recommended to observe the rule VOB DIN 18 363, Part C, paragraph 3.

New Cement Stuccos

New portland cement stucco should not be painted for about 21 – 28 days to ensure proper curing, anchoring and drying. Apply 1 coat of EcoForte Consolidator and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. Apply 1 coat of BioGrip Primer according to instructions, and then apply 1 – 2 coats of subsequent finish products as directed. If using a NHL 3.5 or 5.0 cement this application process is not required These types of natural cements permit mineral paints and plasters to be applied to them without the use of consolidators or primers.

CAUTION! New portland cement stuccos should be tested for pH using Phenolphthalein, also sold as an “alkalinity test kit”. This product should be spot tested on all new portland cement stucco prior to the application of any type of finish, paint or stucco product. Concrete has a naturally high pH due to the calcium hydroxide formed when portland cement reacts with water. As the concrete reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, pH decreases to 8.5 – 10.5. When a 1% phenolphthalein solution is applied to uncured concrete, it turns bright pink/purple; if it remains colorless, it shows that the concrete has undergone correct carbonation. When the test indicates bright pink or purple, this indicates that no paint or plaster product of any type should be applied to the concrete until carbonization has been completed, which usually occurs after 21 – 28 days after final installation.

New drywall/gypsum board

Stucco or plaster applications

GREY BOARD: For virgin drywall where tape joints or screw holes that have been patched with drywall plaster or mud, apply one (1) coat of EcoForte Consolidator as a 1st coat on all surfaces. Apply a 2nd coat wet on damp, or within two (2) hours of first application of EcoForte Consolidator on all non-paper surfaces. A second coat is not required on paper surfaces unless an unsatisfactory 1st coat application was not performed correctly. Spot paint as necessary to cover any missed sections. Allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before applying BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium.

BLUE BOARD/GREEN BOARD: Due to the manufacturing processes for these types of drywalls, EcoForte Consolidator is not effective when applied to the paper surfaces of these types of building materials. To properly consolidate these types of surfaces, apply BioDomus Superflat as a consolidating primer on all surfaces with one (1) coat, applied according to instructions. Allow to dry for eight (8) hours and then apply one (1) coat of BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium.


Chalky paint, lose paint, dirty and/or contaminated surfaces should be pressure washed and cleaned prior to commencing painting. All lose, peeling, or chalky paint or surfaces with attached algae or mold, should be removed manually or by mechanical means, i.e., with a high-pressure washer. Then apply 1 coat of EcoDis Detergent on the dried surface and allow to dry for at least 12 hours where algae or mold has been present. Apply 1 coat of EcoForte Consolidator prior to application of any type of primer, BioGrip Primer or TerraMare Grip Primer. If an acrylic paint surface has a flat sheen and pressure washing has removed the defective surface materials, EcoForte Consolidator can be applied to a dry, clean, prepared surface. Follow with a BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium application. For silossanic paint applications, it is recommended to apply TerraMare Grip prior to application of TerraMare I or TerraMare Quarzit for best results, but BioGrip Primer can be used effectively as a primer coat.

Synthetic Stucco

Not applicable for this type of surface finish.


Old painted surfaces should be cleaned well and verify that they are well anchored. Pressure wash all chalky surfaces thoroughly, and allow surface to be completely dry before applying EcoForte Consolidator. Apply 1 coat of EcoForte Consolidator (diluted 100% with water, or 1:1). Existing painted surfaces that are no longer well anchored should be removed by scraping. For deteriorated lime paints, apply white vinegar or diluted muriatic acid immediately after an initial pressure washing (while wall surface areas are still damp), allowing the acid or vinegar to penetrate for at least 3 minutes, then thoroughly re-wash all treated areas with clean water. Allow surfaces to completely dry. Apply EcoForte Consolidator (diluted 100% with water, or 1:1). Allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before applying BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium.


Extremely weathered ‘spalled’ brick, deteriorating brick, deteriorating brick mortar, will usually indicate the presence of water absorption into a mortar joints or brick surfaces that become damaged during freeze/thaw conditions in fall and spring. Low-fire brick usually will chalk when rubbing your finger across the surface, easily chips, is fragile and is overly porous. Both of these conditions require special attention to substrate repairs prior to any type of painting or stucco application. Such substrates will need to be consolidated using Pure Potassium Silicate diluted according to instructions to stabilize and reinforce the molecular composition of the substrate. In very severe conditions, replacement of damaged brick and the necessity of brick joint tucking will be required in addition to substrate consolidation. Only once the substrate has been remedied can EcoDomus Consolidator be applied to the brick surface to enhance the performance and adhesion of a primer coat such as BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium. In worse case scenarios to prevent further water absorption into brick surfaces after repairs will require the application of a hydro-repellent sealer and paint such as TerraMare Sealer, Grip, and TerraMare I. In this case a potassium silicate base paint (Domus Line products) would not be used as the final finish, but rather a rubber silicone base paint product (TerraMare Line products).

In most cases, healthy brick does not require the need for EcoForte Consolidator unless the property is located in a coastal salt environment. In such cases it is highly recommended to follow instructions as indicated in COASTAL AREAS (listed above), i.e., wash surfaces with a pressure washer thoroughly all brick surfaces, then apply white vinegar or diluted muriatic acid for 3 – 5 minutes, then wash off carefully with clean water all treated surfaces. Allow to thoroughly dry before proceeding with subsequent product applications.

For normal brick conditions BioDomus I or II can be applied directly to brick surfaces with two (2) coats. For brick that has slick or sheened surfaces, or very high density extruded bricks (low water absorption), it will be required to apply BioGrip Micro prior to the application of BioDomus I or II.


New cement surfaces should not be painted for about 28 days to ensure proper curing and drying. Follow instructions as indicated above for new cement stuccos. In many cases it may be recommended to apply TerraMare Line products for ‘best use’ application of paint on reinforced concrete surfaces.


Chalking surfaces, which could prevent the proper anchoring of the base coating must have damaged and chalky portions be removed by pressure washing and scraping. Apply Potassium Silicate Concentrate, diluted 100% with water (1:1) on all damaged surfaces, applying 2 – 3 coats in rapid succession, wet on wet, until substrate has arrived at full absorption, and allow to dry for at least 12 hours. Apply 1 coat EcoForte Consolidator, allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. Apply one (1) coat of BioGrip Medium according to instructions, and then two (2) coats of subsequent finish products of mineral paint, stucco, or plaster. For severe cases of deterioration, follow guidelines as indicated in BRICK SURFACES, taking into consideration the repair and replacement of damaged stucco in its entirety. Cement stuccos existing prior to 1940 are probably made of NHL 3.5 or 5.0 (Natural Hydrated Lime Cement) and careful inspection and attention needs to be taken to ensure proper replacement and repairs. At all costs, avoid using portland based cements for restoration or repairs on NHL cements.

Surfaces with Efflorescence

Cement surfaces showing efflorescence should be aggressively cleaned with a high pressure washer, and then the efflorescence should be treated using a diluted muriatic acid, 1 part muriatic acid and 6 – 7 parts water, and allow to react for 3 – 5 minutes. Thoroughly rinse treated areas with water. Apply Potassium Silicate Concentrate, diluted 100% with water (1:1) on all damaged surfaces and allow todry for at least 12 hours. Apply 1 coat EcoForte Consolidator (diluted according to instructions), and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. For best use apply BioDomus Grip Micro or Medium, diluted with water 30%, and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. Apply two (2) coats of subsequent finish products of mineral paint, stucco, or plaster finish coat materials as required for final finish.

For coatings on surfaces damaged by the saltpeter or efflorescence no guarantees can be provided.


When new stucco repairs are performed on old cement stuccos, apply EcoForte Consolidator diluted 100% with water (1:1), to older surfaces prior to applying new cement stucco (see Stucco Repairs). Dirty and/or contaminated surfaces should be cleaned and any attached algae removed manually or by mechanical means, i.e., with a high-pressure washer prior, then all surfaces should be treated with EcoDis Detergent. Apply 1 coat EcoForte Consolidator and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. Facilitate all stucco repairs with the proper type of cement stucco and allow to properly cure. Cement stuccos existing prior to 1940 are probably made of NHL 3.5 or 5.0 (Natural Hydrated Lime Cement) and careful inspection and attention needs to be taken to ensure proper replacement and repairs. At all costs, avoid using portland based cements for restoration or repairs on NHL cements.

Apply 1 coat of EcoForte Consolidator on all new patches and allow to dry for 8 – 12 hours, then proceed with final selected finishes, applying according to instructions. For NHL cement bases no BioGrip Primer is required. For portland based cements it is recommended to apply BioGrip Primer Micro or Medium diluted with water 30%, and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours prior to proceeding with final stucco finish such as BioCement GF 1.0, or other mineral plasters or paint.


To patch or repair damaged stucco for modern buildings, make sure that the proper type of mortar is used, and is consistent with the strength and structure of the existing stucco to be treated. The repairs should be well anchored and completely dry and if possible, cured. Then apply one (1 ) coat of EcoForte Consolidator diluted 100% with water (1:1), and allow to dry for 8 – 12 hours. Apply one (1) coat of BioGrip Micro or Medium, diluted with water 30%, and allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours. Apply 1 – 2 coats of BioCement GF 1.0, or other similar types of stucco finish products offered by ROMABIO for the final finish.


Store in a cool, dry location protected from frost or excessive heat. Close the open containers with care. Store liquids only in plastic.


Do not apply any products in direct exposure to strong/hot sunlight, rain, high humidity (mist) or in the presence of strong wind. Beware of the danger of frost overnight. If applied by roller or sprayer, protect surrounding surfaces as necessary. Protect eyes and skin from splashes of paint. Cover glass, ceramic, natural stone, brick, metal, wood, painted surfaces and glazed tiles. Clean affected areas immediately with water. Prominent elements of the building (cornices, parapets, etc.,) should be treated with skill, covering flashings, gutters, copper coatings, etc. … Do not work in air temperature lower than 8°C / 46°F and not above 32°C / 90°F. Clean work tools with water immediately after use. Keep out of reach of children. In case of contact with eyes and skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. In cases of consumption, consult a doctor or call the CDC Poison Center (see Safety Data Sheet).

Water Contamination Hazard

Class 1

This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of information required by the CPR, and it is classified as a non-hazardous material.

Product Contamination Hazard

CODE CER / NORMATIVE EAC / Decision commuted by the Commission n. 2000/532/CE

Not Dangerous

The directive 75/442/CEE, 08 01 production, disposal, formulation, supply, use, and removal of paints and varnishes: 10 13 04 for removal of paints and varnishes; 10 13 04 disposal of lime and hydrated lime products.


Do not enter product in its original concentration into drains or open waters. Do not store at public waste disposal sites. In case of conduction into adapted biological purification plants no disturbances need be expected. The preparation has been estimated by conventional method (calculated-procedure) of EG directive 1999/45/EG) and is classified as non-hazardous for the environment. Dispose according to local regulations. Empty cans should be disposed of according to local regulations; plastic buckets are 100% PBS, no. 5, approved for food storage; 100% recyclable if cleaned thoroughly prior to recycling.


WARNING: This Technical Sheet lists data collected on the basis of technique and experience. Given the multiplicity of use of the product they cannot be binding and the user cannot refrain from using common sense and experience for the individual case. This information shall not constitute any legal obligation and no obligation from the seller or point of purchase, or any agreements inferred by employees who sale this product. Insurance or guarantees issued by our employees or employees should always be confirmed separately in writing. Any information about product adaptability and use of the product, must be verified by user prior to purchase. Check the exact consumption of product for the surface where product may be applied to determine amount of products needed. The color matching for all products must be verified by the user before starting work. No corrections, substitutes or reimbursements can be provided after products have been installed or applied on surfaces.


ZETACOLOR SRL, Via Pistoiese 323, 50010 San Angelo a Lecore, FI, Italia