LowCer Stain

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ROMABIO’s LowCer Stain has the lowest toxic chemical content of any water-based indoor/outdoor wood stain available on the market. This product maintains good working capacity to applications and wipe-offs. Product is tinted using Eco-Sustainable earth oxides for spectacular color saturation and luminosity.

LowCer Stain is a ROMABIO Environmental Low Impact LOW-Series Product.

1 Identification of the Substance/Mixture & of the Company/Undertaking

1.1 Product Identifier

Code: 301
Product Name: LowCer Stain

1.2 Relevant Identified Uses of the Substance or Mixture & Uses Advised Against

Relevant Intended Use: Refer to data sheet

1.3 Details of the Supplier of the Safety Data Sheet

  • Name: ROMA – Eco-Sustainable Building Technologies
  • Full Address: 554 North Avenue NW, Suite B
  • District & Country Atlanta, GA 30318 | United States of America (USA)
  • 678-905-3700

1.4 Emergency Telephone Number

For Urgent Inquiries Refer To: Call 911 if you have a poison emergency.
Call the CDC if swallowed but person is alert 1-800-222-122

2 Hazards Identification

2.1 Classification of the Substance or Mixture

Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC

This preparation is not classified as dangerous according to 1999/45/EC.

2.2 Label Elements

The product is classified and labeled according to EC directives or corresponding national laws.

LABELING (67/548/EEC OR 1999/45/EC) 


CONTAINS     Special provisions concerning the labeling of certain mixtures.

2.3 Other Hazards


  • R35: Causes Severe Burns To Eyes.
  • R37: Irritating to Respiratory System.

3 Composition/Information on Ingredients

3.1 Substances

Information not relevant.

3.2 Mixtures

Chemical characterization (preparation)

DECRIPTION     Plastic emulsion water paint

Identification Conc. % Class. 67/548/EEC Class. 1272/2008 (CLP)
CAS      112-34-5 2-(2-butoxyethoxy) Ethanol
EC        01-2119484630-38 0.5
INDEX   603-096-00-8 Eye Irrit. 2 H319

T+ = Very Toxic (T+), T = Toxic(T), Xn = Harmful (Xn), C = Corrosive (C), Xi = Irritant (Xi), O = Oxidizing (O), E = Explosive(E), F+ = Extremely Flammable(F+), F = Highly Flammable(F), N = Dangerous for the Environment (N)

The full wording of the Risk (R) and hazard (H) phrases is given in section 16 of the sheet.

Additional information

Full text of R-phrases: see section 16.
Full text of H-phrases: see section 16.

First Aid Measures

4.1 Description of First Aid Measures

No harm to the staff authorized to use has been reported. However, in case of contact, inhalation or ingestion, the following general measures provided for a first aid shall be taken.

  • After inhalation     Move victim to fresh air. Put victim at rest and keep warm. In case of irregular breathing or respiratory arrest provide artificial respiration.
  • In case of skin contact     Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. After contact with skin, wash it immediately with plenty of water and soap. Do not use solvents or thinners.
  • In case of eye contact     Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Seek medical advice.
  • After ingestion     If swallowed, rinse mouth with water (only if the person is conscious). Consult physician immediately. Keep victim calm. Do not induce vomiting.

4.2 Most Important Symptoms & Effects, Both Acute & Delayed

For symptoms and effects caused by the contained substances see chapter 11.

4.3 Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention & Special Treatment Needed

Follow doctor’s orders.

5 Firefighting Measures

5.1 Extinguishing Media


The extinction equipment should be of the conventional kind: carbon dioxide, foam, powder and nebulized water.


None in particular.

5.2 Special Hazards Arising from the Substance or Mixture

Do not breathe combustion products (carbon oxide, toxic pyrolysis products, etc.).

5.3 Advice for Firefighters

Provide a conveniently located respiratory protective device.


Cool closed containers that are near the source of the fire. Do not allow water used to extinguish fire to enter drains, ground or waterways. Treat runoff as hazardous.

6 Accidental Release Measures

6.1 Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment & Emergency Procedures

Ventilate affected area. Do not breathe vapors. See protective measures under point 7 and 8.

6.2 Environmental Precautions

Do not allow to enter into surface water or drains. If the product contaminates lakes, rivers or sewages, inform competent authorities in accordance with local regulations.

6.3 Methods & Material for Containment & Cleaning Up

Isolate leaked material using non-flammable absorption agent (e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite, diatomaceous earth) and collect it for disposal in appropriate containers in accordance with the local regulations (see chapter 13). Clean using cleansing agents. Do not use solvents.

6.4 Reference to Other Sections

Observe protective provisions (see chapter 7 and 8).

7 Handling & Storage

7.1 Precautions for Safe Handling


The usual precautionary measures for handling chemicals should be observed.


No special measures are required.

7.2 Conditions for Safe Storage, Including Any Incompatibilities


No special measures are required. Keep container tightly closed. Store carefully closed containers upright to prevent any leaks.


Keep away from strongly acidic and alkaline materials as well as oxidizers.


Keep away from frost! Keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place. Take care of instructions on label.

7.3 Specific End Use(s)

Information not available.

8 Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

8.1 Control Parameters

Name Type Country TWA/8h STEL/15min
mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ppm
TWA (EC) Occupational exposure limit value
STEL (EC) Short-term occupational exposure limit value

8.2 Exposure Controls

Provide good ventilation.


No special measures are necessary. Do not inhale vapors or mist.


Wear protective gloves. Suitable material: NBR (Nitrile rubber).


Wear closely fitting protective glasses in case of splashes.


After contact clean skin thoroughly with water and soap oder use appropriate cleanser.


Do not allow to enter into surface water or drains. refer to chapter 7. No further action is necessary.

9 Physical & Chemical Properties

9.1 Information on Basic Physical & Chemical Properties

Appearance Liquid
Color Refer to label
Odor Characteristic
Odor Threshold
pH Neutral
Melting or Freezing Point
Boiling Point
Distillation Range
Flash Point > 61°C
Evaporation Rate
Flammability of Solids & Gases
Lower Inflammability Limit
Upper Explosive Limit
Lower Explosive Limit 0.8%
Vapor Pressure
Vapor Density 1.03 g/cm3
Specific Gravity 1,455 Kg/l
Solubility Partially Soluble
Partition Coefficient: Octanol/Water
Ignition Temperature
Decomposition Temperature
Reactive Properties

9.2 Other Information

VOC (Directive 2004/42/EC) 24.40 g/lt
VOC (Volatile Carbon)
Organic Solvents 3% by Weight
Water Soluble

10 Stability & Reactivity

10.1 Reactivity

There are no particular risks of reaction with other substances in normal conditions of use.

10.2 | Chemical Stability

The product is stable in normal conditions of use and storage.

10.3 Possibility of Hazardous Reactions

No hazardous reactions are foreseeable in normal conditions of use and storage.

10.4 Conditions to Avoid

None in particular, however the usual precautions used for chemical products should be respected.

10.5 Incompatible Materials

Information not available.

10.6 Hazardous Decomposition Products

In the event of thermal decomposition or fire, vapours potentially dangerous to health may be released.

11 Toxicological Information

11.1 | Information on Toxicological Effects


Toxicological data are not available.


Toxicological data are not available.


Toxicological data are not available.


Toxicological data are not available.


Toxicological data are not available.


Toxicological data are not available.


Other Observations:

Repeated or prolonged contact with the preparation may cause removal of natural fat from the skin resulting in non-allergic contact dermatitis and/or absorption through skin. Splashing may cause eye irritation and reversible damage.


The components in this formulation do not meet the criteria for classification as CMR category 1 or 2.

There is no information available on the preparation itself . The preparation has been assessed following the conventional method of the Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC and has not been classified.

12 Ecological Information

Use this product according to good working practices. Avoid littering. Inform the competent authorities, should the product reach waterways or sewers or contaminate soil or vegetation.

12.1 Toxicity

Information not available.

12.2 Persistence & Degradability

Information not available.

12.3 Bioaccumulative Potential

Information not available.

12.4 Mobility in Soil

Information not available.

12.5 Results of PBT & vPvB assessment

Information not available.

12.6 Other Adverse Effects

Information not available.

13 Disposal Considerations

13.1 Waste Treatment Methods

Appropriate disposal / Product


Do not allow to enter into surface water or drains. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Waste disposal according to EC directives 75/442/EEC and 91/689/EEC in the corresponding versions, covering waste and dangerous waste.


Waste paint and varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances



Cleaned containers may be recycled. Vessels not properly emptied are special waste.

14 Transport Information

This mixture is not classified as dangerous according to international transport regulations (ADR/RID, IMDG,

No dangerous good in sense of these transport regulations.

14.1 | UN-No.

Information not available.

14.2 | UN proper shipping name

Information not available.

14.3 | Transport hazard class(es)

Information not available.

14.4 | Transport hazard class(es)

Land transport (ADR/RID)                      –
Sea transport (IMDG)                                –
Air transport (ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR)  III

14.5 | Environmental hazards

Land transport (ADR/RID)

Marine pollutant

14.6 | Special precautions for user

Transport always in closed, upright and safe containers. Make sure that persons transporting the product know what to do in case of an accident or leakage. Advices on safe handling: see parts 6 – 8.

Further remarks

Land transport (ADR/RID)

Tunnel restriction code

Sea transport (IMDG)


14.5 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code

Information not available.

15 Regulatory Information

15.1 Safety, Health & Environmental Regulations/Legislation Specific for the Substance or Mixture

Seveso Category: None


VOC-VALUE (IN G/L) ISO 11890-2 24.40


EU LIMIT VALUE FOR THIS PRODUCT (CAT. (CAT. A/E)): 150 g/l (2007) / 130 g/l (2010).


Observe employment restrictions under the Maternity Protection Directive (92/85/EEC) for expectant or nursing mothers. Observe restrictions to employment for juveniles according to the ‘juvenile work protection guideline’ (94/33/EC).

15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment

Chemical safety assessments for substances in this preparation were not carried out.

16 Other Information

Relevant R- and H- phases (number and full text)

  1. Directive 1999/45/EC and following amendments
  2. Directive 67/548/EEC and following amendments and adjustments
  3. Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH) of the European Parliament
  4. Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) of the European Parliament
  5. Regulation (EC) 790/2009 (I Atp. CLP) of the European Parliament
  6. Regulation (EC) 453/2010 of the European Parliament

Note For Users

The information supplied on this safety data sheet complies with our current level of knowledge as well as with national and EU regulations. Without written approval, the product must not be used for purposes different from those mentioned in chapter 1. It is always the user’s duty to take any necessary measures for meeting the requirements laid down by local rules and regulations. The details in this safety data sheet describe the safety requirements of our product and are not to be regarded as guaranteed attributes of the product.


Water based penetrating stain with slight sealer protective features for all interior/exterior wood surfaces. EcoCer Stain is a custom tinting formula base, to permit correct color correction on application for any type of wood species. Product is tinted with earth oxide tints for permanent color stability with excellent UV protection and environmental durability. EcoCer Stain penetrates the cellulose fibers of all types of woods, deciduous and conifer, thus creating luminous color depth and intensity, not typical for most water-based stains.

EcoCer Stain diluted according to instructions can be mixed with EcoCer Varnish, Matte, Satin or Exterior to work as a wood conditioner, or pre-sealer, to assist in achieving color depth and even stain applications. EcoCer Stain permits excellent touch-up capability for repairs.

EcoCer Stain can be applied to porous surfaces including slaked lime plasters and lime wash, for special decorative effects applied to wood. Product is non-yellowing.


An acrylic water based stain that contains very low solvent content, providing low VOC content, is fast drying, with excellent color penetration. EcoCer Stain is a professional use product for floor finishes, high quality cabinet finishes, is concentrated and non-yellowing. Application method is typically by brush, and in light color, higher dilutions, may be applied by sprayers. EcoCer Stain is a mono component, concentrated product, which is diluted with water for application, providing excellent coverage with 2 – 3 coats. Coverage per square foot is average typical for most water-based stains. EcoCer Stain can be used residentially and commercially for wet sink and bar areas, on any type of wood product, without sustaining wood discoloration by water penetration if EcoCer Stain is properly sealed and protected from exposure to water. For low VOC content varnish with excellent resistance to water damages, use EcoCer Varnish Matte or Satin varnishes.

EcoCer Stain can be diluted with water for multiple use functions and can be tinted with natural oxide earth tints and 0% VOC colorants to offer esthetic color options with minimal impact to the environment and to provide toxic free air quality for indoors. EcoCer Stain is an environmental low impact paint material as described in the Eco Category description. This product is ideal for use in homes, schools, and hospitals and work sensitive areas.


Water emulsion base, mono-component and air-drying. Made with acrylic stabilizers.




Transparent Base. Color tint up to 30% max with approved tints. Custom color tints matching are available.



1ST COAT     Apply EcoCer Varnish as a conditioner prior to applying 1st and 2nd coat stain color (see BRUSH & SPRAY APPLICATION notes). Dilute EcoCer Stain with 10% – 50% average, maximum 150% water, per one (1)-liter bucket of EcoCer Stain. Always wet wood surfaces with sufficient water to allow stain to be applied on a damp surface, not a wet surface. Apply stain with a high quality brush in an even and constant pattern, and remove product with absorbent cotton cloths to achieve the desired color depth. Water based wood stain must be removed typically within 2 – 3 minutes, depending on existing humidity and temperature. Regardless, stain must be removed prior to any surface drying that occurs or this will require the adjustment or removal of the stain application by aggressive means. Allow to dry for at least 4 hours before applying 2nd coat. Wash paint brushes immediately with soap and water after completion of use.

2ND & 3rD COAT     Repeat steps for 1st coat application as necessary to achieve desired color depth.

PAINT SPRAYERS | simple instructions

1ST COAT     Follow application instructions as indicated above in the BRUSH APPLICATIONS. Instead of using a brush for application, a fine spray application may be possible when using light color stain applications. Sprayers cannot be used to achieve dark color staining.

2ND COAT     Follow instructions for 1st coat above.

SPRAY TIP USAGE     EcoCer Varnish can be applied using an airless sprayer. Apply stain product with a # 0.011 – 0.013 size spray tip. Always use new spray tips for starting a paint job for best results. This will also conserve the amount of paint necessary to complete the job.


Before starting application of stain, perform tests on the same wood sample and species type that has been used for the project or installed on the construction site. Always test stain coverage with minimal water dilution prior to increasing dilution. Several tests will be required to assure that diluted stain will match to ‘control sample’. To ensure even coverage and absorption it is advised to apply tinted conditioner to your wood as your 1st Coat application; dilute EcoCer Varnish 300% with water (3 liters water), then adding 25% – 50% EcoCer Stain tinted product (250ml – 500ml stain), mixing into the diluted varnish formula. This dilution helps create an ideal wood conditioner for applying even stain finishes, especially dark stain colors, and helps reduce the number of stain coats required to achieve the ‘control sample’. See CONDITIONER SOLUTION MIX below for easy view of formula.


Most of our paint and varnish formulas are concentrated and require water to be added to them for proper use. This process means we can sell more coverage in an economical package that decreases the cost for transport, reduces the carbon footprint, helping the your pocket book and the environment.

Mix stain and water carefully with a paint paddle.


Allow a drying time between coats of at least 4 hours. With lower temperature and humidity more time may be needed. Allow at least hours 8 – 12 hours drying time before applying additional coats of lime paint, sealers, or varnish.


Apply EcoCer Stain with a brush, or with an appropriate sprayer and sprayer tip. New sprayer tips should be used to prevent product waste and provided for a more perfect finish.


Approximately 2,600 ft2 / 240 mt2 – 4,000 ft2 / 370 mt2 per 10 liters bucket diluted with 10% – 50% water dilution. Determine exact consumption by performing a test on the surface to be treated.


Plastic buckets of 1, 2.5 and 10 liters.


Make sure base is solid, dry and well cleaned, prepared with skill. It is recommended to observe the rule VOB DIN 18 363, Part C, paragraph 3.



Prior to each application of EcoCer Stain on wood, conditioner or diluted stain, the wood surface to be stained must always be pre-wetted with water; just enough to create a wet/damp surface. The dampened area should not exceed the capacity for the applicator to apply the stain within a short time period.


When using a stain conditioner, which is highly suggested for any stain coloring on wood, and imperative on dark stain tinting, hand wiping off the conditioner is not recommended. It is important not to over-load the floor or allow puddles to sit on the surface after application of colored conditioner. Apply in an even and consistent manner the conditioner, applying onto damp wood as one moves across the floor. Use a dry brush when necessary, which will help remove excess by extending the conditioner over a larger area, without adding more liquid product. Wipe the brush off often with a clean rag when using this approach. Allow conditioner to dry completely for 8 – 12 hours before attempting to apply the 1st coat of diluted stain color onto the wood.


Pre-wet floors prior to applying stain, even if a conditioner has been applied. A simple solution is to damp mop; use wet/dampened rags laid flat on the floor and use a floor wand or damp sponge mop, placed in the center of the rag, applying slight pressure, move the dampened rags over the surface of the wood to evenly moisten the surface. Using a simple hand pump garden sprayer is another excellent method to dampen wood. Remove excess water using a damp mop and rags as described above or with just damp rags. Applying excessive water will create uneven staining and/or blotching.

Always apply stain in runs of approximately 2 – 3 feet wide, or as can be reached by hand and wiped off without placing knee pads or hands on the stained area that is to be wiped. Always slightly over-wet the area beyond what boards will be stained so as to remove any stain that may fall beyond the determined area to be stained. Staining floors can only be applied by brush. Begin to apply stain with a brush only, on an area as is possible to apply and wipe off within a very short time period; not more than 2 – 3 minutes maximum. Always wipe stain off moving in the direction of the wood grain. Wiping must be carefully done using rags to remove excess stain. It is imperative to avoid over-lapping with color stain. To help control overlaps using a water based stain, it is recommended to wet both the unstained wood and the just previously stained wood with water for each run just completed. It should be understood that previously stained wood boards require a few minutes to permit the stain to dry, before applying water again. Usually, finishing a run from one end of the room to the other, before moving back to the starting point is enough time to permit re-wetting of the stained boards. When applying water onto newly stained areas, overlap with water just enough to permit stain overlapping being applied by brush, to be removed. Do not re-wet the entire just stained. To match the stain color density on the previously stained boards, or runs, and to remove overlaps, use a series of rags; a rag completely damp with stain, a rag partially damp with stain, and a clean rag. These series of types of rags, will permit control to adjust color penetration and color evenness when staining the wood. Wipe off with light but constant pressure to manipulate the stain to achieve an even color, and using a series of all those rags that will best create the desired results.

Applying stain on a wood floor is a group project that requires usually 3 persons minimum. All 3 persons need to work in tandem and closely together, in close proximity, moving at a very fast pace. Speed is essential to wetting the wood, applying the stain, and wiping off the stain.

Please determine your dilutions for color depth by testing on same wood type and color prior to begin applying stain. Water based stains will always need to be diluted with water, at least 10% per volume. Multiple stain colors can be used to achieve rich and dynamic coloration. Allow each stain color to completely dry before applying a new stain color.

Once the desired tone or color stain has been achieved, which may require 1 coat conditioner, 1 coat of stain for light colors, 2 coats of stain for dark colors, allow the stained floors to completely dry for at least 8 – 12 hours prior to applying any additional treatments including lime wash, BioCalce Classico, or EcoCer Varnish.


Staining wood and applying lime wash to create aged or ceruse finishes is a technique that was developed by ROMA in 2009 to permit on-site application of ceruse finishes without the need to apply pre-finished flooring systems. This permits construction schedules to not be affected by the installation of pre-finished floor systems that can easily be damaged during construction processes.

Apply stain as indicated in section STAIN & VARNISH.


Dilute BioCalce Classico, tinted lime paint, diluted with water 120% and mix thoroughly. Apply the lime wash with a brush, following the direction of the grain, and allow floor to completely dry for at least 8 – 12 hours.

Remove the lime wash using a buffer with a Maroon pad, so as to completely expose the wood grain, removing all excess lime products. Once the room has been buffed, vacuum immediately all excess lime dust so that there is not created excessive amounts of dust to be spread throughout the other floors or house. It is suggested to vacuum several times to remove excess dust. After vacuuming it is suggested to use lightly dampened rags and gently pass over the floor, so as to remove small particles of lime dust. Do not over-wipe or use excessive water during this process so not to damage or remove excessive amounts of Limewash that remain in the grain of the wood.

Lime paints or any alkaline finish material cannot be painted with any type of varnish without being consolidated! All lime treated floors or cabinets must be treated with TerraMare Velatura before EcoCer Varnish can be applied.


TerraMare Velatura is a silossanic consolidator ideal for application on lime products that will be sealed with EcoCer Varnish. TerraMare Velatura also acts as a decorative glaze that can be color tinted. The result is that using stain, Limewash, tinted consolidator, and tinted varnish, the options are unlimited to create color hues and tone with unlimited richness and depth for wood finishes.

Pre-dilute the consolidator with water, 300% – 550% by volume, 1 part product / 3 – 5.5 liters water. Apply the consolidator with a brush covering an area that can be applied and removed within a maximum of 3-5 minutes, exactly like the application and removal of stain for 1st and 2nd coats as indicated above. Once a determined area has been covered, remove the excess consolidator with a damp rag, moving always in the direction of the wood grain. After 2 – 3 pulls with a clean rag, working within arm’s length, turning the rag over often to a new side, rinsing and changing rags as needed, remove the amount of glaze as needed to achieve visual effect desired. Rinse the rags out as often needed, thoroughly, and continue the process to wipe off TerraMare Velatura, not allowing the consolidator to dry prior to removal of all excess material. For less glazing effect, repeat the process a 2nd time so that very little hazing is visible using only a clean, unused rag.

As with stain coloring, overlaps of consolidator from one board to another will appear very visible after drying, and care must be given to remove overlaps with a clean rag.

After drying, approximately 1 – 2 hours, inspect for overlaps from consolidator, and remove them during this time period by hand, using a maroon pad or green pad, sponge, and/or a rag, so as to create an even effect for coverage. Failure to remove consolidator within the time limit specified will result in the overlap to be permanent, and will prove to be very difficult to remove glazing without the risk of causing damage to the stain color or lime paint finish underneath. Allow TerraMare Velatura to completely dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before commencing with application of EcoCer Varnish Matte or Satin varnishes.


Use the same application methods as described above for floors. Sponge mops or wands cannot be used to finish cabinets. Cabinets and furniture require special attention when applying stains, and all applications and removals must be done strictly by hand. Use sprayers for stain applications only after sample testing has been performed to determine if this method will be sufficient to create the stain color and effect desired.


Use the same application methods as described above for floors. Sponge mops or wands cannot be used to finish posts and beams. Large wood beams require special attention when applying stains, and all applications and removals must be done strictly by hand. Use sprayers for stain applications only after sample testing has been performed to determine if this method will be sufficient to create the stain color and effect desired.


Use the same application methods as described above for floors. Sponge mops or wands cannot be used to doors, windows or trim; these require special attention when applying stains, and all applications and removals must be done strictly by hand. Use sprayers for stain applications only after sample testing has been performed to determine if this method will be sufficient to create the stain color and effect desired.


1 Liter of varnish = 1000 ml of product

Add 250 ml – 500 ml of Stain and mix well together.

Add 3 liters of water to the mixed product, and mix well.

Total product volume 4.25 – 4.5 liters

4.25 liter of product will cover approximately about 600ft2 – 800ft2 of floor.

This formula can be adjusted up or down in quantity, as long as the ratios of varnish, stain, and water remain constant.


Store in a cool, dry space and protected from frost. Close the open containers with care. Store liquids only in plastic buckets.


Do not apply any products in direct exposure to strong/hot sunlight, rain, mist, high humidity
(> 80%), at dew-point formation, or in the presence of strong wind. Beware of the danger of frost overnight. If any products are applied by sprayer, protect surrounding surfaces as necessary. Cover glass, ceramic, natural stone, brick, metal, painted surfaces and glazed tiles. Clean affected areas immediately with water. Prominent elements of the building (cornices, parapets, etc.,) should be treated with skill, covering flashings, gutters, copper coatings, etc. …

Do not work in air temperature lower than 13°C / 55°F and not above 31°C / 88°F. Clean work tools with water immediately after use. Keep out of reach of children. In case of contact with eyes and skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. In cases of consumption, consult a Doctor or call the CDC Poison Center (see Safety Data Sheet).

Protect eyes from splashes of lime paint or plaster: In case of contact with eyes, wash immediately with plenty of water and/or a saline solution. Always keep a good supply of saline solution for eyes and use abundant amounts to wash eyes. Do not rub eyelids or physically touch your cornea or surrounding area prior to and during washing. Consult a Doctor immediately in cases of irritation or severe burning sensation. In cases of consumption, consult a Doctor or call the CDC Poison Center (see Safety Data Sheet). Keep out of reach of children.

Water Contamination Hazard

Class 1     This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of information required by the CPR, and it is classified as a non-hazardous material.

Product Contamination Hazard

CODE CER / NORMATIVE EAC / Decision commuted by the Commission n. 2000/532/CE

NOT DANGEROUS     The directive 75/442/CEE, 08 01 production, disposal, formulation, supply, use, and removal of paints and varnishes: 10 13 04 for removal of paints and varnishes; 10 13 04 disposal of lime and hydrated lime products.


Do not enter product in its original concentration into drains or open waters. Do not store at public waste disposal sites. In case of conduction into adapted biological purification plants no disturbances need be expected. The preparation has been estimated by conventional method (calculated-procedure) of EG directive 1999/45/EG and is classified as non-hazardous for the environment.

Dispose according to local regulations. Empty cans should be disposed of according to local regulations; plastic buckets are 100% PBS, NO. 5, approved for food storage; 100% recyclable if cleaned thoroughly prior to recycling.


This Technical Sheet lists data collected on the basis of technique and experience. Given the multiplicity of use of the product they cannot be binding and the user cannot refrain from using common sense and experience for the individual case. This information shall not constitute any legal obligation and no obligation from the seller or point of purchase, or any agreements inferred by employees who sale this product. Insurance or guarantees issued by our employees or employees should always be confirmed separately in writing. Any information about product adaptability and use of the product, must be verified by user prior to purchase. Check the exact consumption of product for the surface where product may be applied to determine amount of products needed. The user must verify the color matching before starting work.