One of the main things we are concerned about in our diet is refined ingredients such as sugar. Many have changed from white rice to brown, white bread to whole wheat, white pasta to whole wheat pasta, etc. What a lot of people don’t think about is the amount of products in your home that are refined and more harmful. Latex Paint is formed when refined petroleum is mixed with other coalescing agents. It forms a plastic film on whatever surface you apply it to therefore limiting breathability of your walls/surfaces. These products are potentially toxic and also contribute to the growth of bacteria and mold.
If you had a choice between a natural paint and a refined paint, which would you choose. ROMA paints, lime washes and plasters are created through a natural chemical reaction of natural ingredients such as air, fire and water and earth or stone. The result is a product that bonds with your surfaces and allows air to flow in and out. These products are for the most part flame retardant and prevent the growth of bacteria which creates mold.
For more information on Latex vs. Mineral Paint, visit