Velatura Mineralwash


Bianco White

“Velatura Mineralwash is soft like velvet, vibes of suede, and airy like layering of tissue paper.” –Kristin Hollon, Scratch / Finish

I fell in love with Velatura Mineralwash. It gives you a sophisticated, beautiful finish – almost like a plaster movement, but it is so easy to use with just two coats! And you can play with the dilution on the 2nd coat to get the exact look you want. I can’t wait to use it more!” 
– Jennifer Fancher, Noting Grace

Velatura Mineralwash

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Available Colors: Bianco White
Color Description

A pure, bright white, perfect for the 2nd coat to add cloud-like movements. Buy now on Amazon.
Due to computer processing, actual colors may vary from those shown here.

Available Sizes


Product Description

Velatura Mineralwash is an authentic mineral-based paint to create mottling or subtle movement effects for a limewash look on Interior drywall in two easy steps with no additional primer. An artistic applicator can paint soft tonal color variations in a brush-applied crosshatch technique for the 1st coat and can use varied techniques with a brush, cloth, or rag for the 2nd coat.

    • Recommended in bedrooms, living rooms, and other common areas (Not recommended for high-traffic)  
    • Toxin-free, Zero-VOC, and environmentally friendly  
    • Brush-applied in two easy steps with no primer
    • Multiple applicators can work the same wall and achieve similar effects 

Surface Types

Interior pre-painted or unpainted Gypsum Board (Drywall)


1 Coat 1L/1QT 2.5L/0.67GAL
Square Feet 100-140 250-350

Application Requirements

  • PREP Make sure the surface is clean and ready to be painted. 
  • 1st COAT: Apply undiluted or add up to 5% water in a crosshatch technique to fully cover the wall. Let dry to touch before next coat. 
  • 2nd COAT: Must dilute 50%-80% with water and then paint in crosshatch technique and use cloth technique if needed. 
  • TOOLS Apply with a brush for 1st Coat and brush and/or cloth for 2nd coat. 
  • DRY TIME 4-6 Hours
  • TOUCH UPS Very flat finish. 

Recommended Dilution

2nd Coat ONLY  1L/1QT 2.5L/0.67GAL
50% 500ml  1.25L 
80% 800ml 2L 

Crafted in Italy

Romabio Paints are Italian-designed mineral paint technologies that have been proven over time, and Velatura Mineralwash is no exception. A decorative paint that allows you to work it very easily without multiple products giving you a beautiful, authentic finish. Like what you see in Old World Italian villas. 

Environmentally Friendly

Romabio Paints are BIO (bio-logical), made from nature. They are not acrylic or latex paints. They are mineral-based products different than other paints in the industry and are derived from sustainable materials to create a natural, breathable coating.

They go beyond just Zero VOC and are toxin-free, odorless, do not contribute to asthma, and hypoallergenic. You can trust our paint is safe for you, your family, and the environment.

Info & Guides

Sales Sheet

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For other product resources, see our Tool Kit
